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Saturday, January 23, 2010

2010. New Year. New resolutions.

New year means clean slate.  I plan to spend more time with my family.  There is so much rhetoric these days about family.  Family means so much.  Time with the family.  I know we all feel like we have less time and more things to be doing.  "Multitasking" is part of our vernacular.   I want to know that I'm actually LIVING that out.  This means more "face time" and less "computer time."  I have hereby weaned myself off of the insane Facebook and the even more ridiculous (and I can't believe I'm going to admit it...) Farmville.  It's quite paradoxical that the industrial and technological revolutions both aimed to save man more time by eliminating manual labor.  Instead, man devised more tasks to occupy said "freed time."  What does that say about "man"?  On the other hand, I've found my creative mojo again and am now trying to find a way to be artsy and be mom at the same time, with the same amount of time, I should say.  On that note, I'm outtie!!