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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Calling all "Twilight" readers!

Here's my dilemma: I've read the four books. I've even gone online and read Stephenie Meyer's "Midnight Sun" excerpt (is it really an excerpt?).


I've got nothing left but depression. This hole where a fictitious vampire and his fictitious 17-year old love of his life have occupied for the last few weeks. It would be better if that were it. I could go on. But nooooooo! Now I've got the media frenzy over a killer gorgeous actor playing lead in what will undoubtedly be this year's hottest movie. Oy vey! Check out some of the hype from the author herself: http://stepheniemeyer.com/

For those of you who understand my pain, search no more. There's an online "support group" (insert muffled laughter here) at http://twilightmoms.com/ where you can find others who share this sad, sad, sad disease... tsk, tsk. Darn you Stephenie Meyer -- why'd you have to be so good?!