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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mama's Day

Today is OFFICIALLY Mother's day.  I am of the mind that thinks everyday should be Mother's Day.  My mom is the big wiener today... she and Dad left for Paris this morning.  Paris.  Wha-??  I'm excited for her.  This is their first trip abroad - Guam not included.

My Honey was so sweet today & stood at Starbucks for over 30 minutes just to get me a latte.  He also got me some flowers.  They all got me a clean house for my gift and I'm absolutely in love with it - the PERFECT gift!!

My son said I was the "best mudder ever."  My eldest said she loved my "squishy" hugs.  My middle one squeezed me HARD and said "this is how much I missed you (squeeze) times infinity."  She was away camping with her Brownie troop last night.  I have the best little peeps ever!