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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

finally! something new!

I've been searching and searching for something new to read. My good friend, and fellow reading fanatic turned me on to the Sookie Stackhouse novels. They're also being made into film -- isn't that handy?? They're the inspiration behind HBO's True Blood series.

I just watched Sean Penn's Into the Wild (another book I've been wanting to read). What an outstanding film. I worry in these biographical films if directors, writers... the whole film machine is taking too much license in their attempt at artistic license. This disrespects the actual life it documents. In that sense, I guess it would be then called a documentary... not so much FILM. But in this case, I believe, the director tried to stick so closely to the story. It turned out beautifully and was moving. Poignant. It's left me feeling melancholy, sure, but shouldn't it? This film got me introspective too, to the point where I felt like I needed to reread old journals and tie them together, find a theme, write something more comprehensive and with continuity and flow. I also felt like I should be documenting again in a journal. Then again, I AM scrapbooking -- the optimist's journal. Soooo pretty. Okay, off to bed.